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Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Black Eyed Peas

Black Eyed Peas adalah seorang Amerika hip hop kelompok yang dibentuk di Los Angeles, California pada tahun 1995. The group is composed of vocalist and multi-instrumentalist and vocalists , Taboo , and Fergie . Kelompok ini terdiri dari vokalis dan multi-instrumentalis dan vokalis , Taboo , dan Fergie . Since their third album Elephunk in 2003, the group's hip hop / dance -oriented style has sold an estimated 35 million albums worldwide and 41 million singles, and 76 million copies with both sales combined. Sejak album ketiga mereka Elephunk pada tahun 2003, kelompok hip hop / dance berorientasi gaya-telah menjual sebuah album di seluruh dunia diperkirakan 35.000.000 dan 41.000.000 single, dan 76 juta kopi dengan kedua penjualan gabungan. They scored their first worldwide hit with " Where Is the Love? " Mereka mencetak gol pertama mereka di seluruh dunia dengan hit " Di mana Apakah Cinta? " in 2003, which topped over ten charts worldwide. pada tahun 2003, yang menduduki lebih dari sepuluh lagu di seluruh dunia. Another single was the European hit " Shut Up ". Tunggal lainnya adalah hit Eropa " Shut Up ". Their next album Monkey Business was another worldwide hit, certified 3x Platinum in the US, spawning two hit singles " My Humps " and " Don't Phunk With My Heart ". album berikutnya mereka Monkey Business adalah lagi hit di seluruh dunia, 3x disertifikasi Platinum di Amerika Serikat, pemijahan dua single hit " soliton saya "dan" Jangan Phunk Dengan Hati ".
In 2009, the group became one of only eleven artists to have ever held the number one and two spots on the Billboard Hot 100 at the same time with their singles " Boom Boom Pow " and " I Gotta Feeling ", from the album The END , and the singles also topped the chart for an unprecedented 26 consecutive weeks combined in 2009. Pada tahun 2009, kelompok ini menjadi salah satu dari sebelas seniman pernah memegang nomor satu dan dua tempat di Billboard Hot 100 pada saat yang sama dengan single mereka " Boom Boom Pow "dan" Aku Harus Merasa ", dari album The END , dan juga single topped bagan untuk 26 minggu berturut-turut belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya digabungkan pada tahun 2009. The album later produced a third Hot 100 number one with " Imma Be ", making them one of the few groups to ever place three number ones on the chart from the same album. Album ini kemudian menghasilkan 100 Hot ketiga nomor satu dengan " Imma Jadilah ", membuat mereka salah satu dari beberapa kelompok tiga tempat yang pernah nomor pada bagan dari album yang sama. The album also includes singles such as " Meet Me Halfway " and " Rock That Body ". Album ini juga memuat single seperti " Meet Me Halfway "dan" Rock Tubuh itu ".
Before the Black Eyed Peas, and were in a group called The Atban Klann signed to Eazy E 's Ruthless Records . Sebelum Black Eyed Peas, dan berada dalam kelompok bernama The Klann Atban masuk ke Eazy E 's Records kejam . The Peas were ranked 12th at the Billboard's Decade-End Chart Artist of the Decade and 7th in Hot 100 Artists of the Decade. Para Peas menduduki peringkat 12 di Billboard's Chart Artis Dekade Akhir dari Dekade dan 7 di Hot 100 Seniman dari Dekade.
Their single " I Gotta Feeling " has become the first single to sell more than 1 million downloads in the UK. [ 1 ] Single " Aku Harus Merasa "telah menjadi single pertama untuk menjual lebih dari 1 juta download di Inggris.


1992–2000: Atban Klann, Behind the Front and Bridging the Gap

The Black Eyed Peas dates back to 1988, when eighth-graders Will Adams ( ) and Allen Pineda ( ) met and began rapping and performing together around Los Angeles. The Black Eyed Peas tanggal kembali ke 1988, ketika delapan siswa kelas Will Adams ( ) dan Allen Pineda ( ) bertemu dan mulai mengetuk dan tampil bersama di Los Angeles. The pair signed to Ruthless Records (run by Eazy-E ) in 1992 catching the attention of Eazy-E manager ( Jerry Heller )'s nephew. Pasangan itu menandatangani kontrak dengan kejam Records (dijalankan oleh Eazy-E ) pada tahun 1992 menangkap perhatian-E manajer Eazy ( Jerry Heller ) 's keponakan. Along with another friend of theirs, Dante Santiago, they called their trio Atban Klann (ATBAN: A Tribe Beyond A Nation). Bersama dengan seorang teman mereka, Dante Santiago, mereka disebut Trio mereka Atban Klann (ATBAN: Sebuah Suku Bangsa Beyond A). Their debut album, Grass Roots , was never released because Ruthless did not consider the positive themes and peaceful lyrics to be attractive. album debut mereka, Akar Rumput , tidak pernah dirilis karena kejam tidak mempertimbangkan tema lirik positif dan tenang akan menarik.
After Eazy-E died of AIDS in 1995, Atban Klann reformed and changed their name to Black Eyed Pods , and then Black Eyed Peas . Setelah Eazy-E meninggal karena AIDS pada tahun 1995, Atban Klann direformasi dan berganti nama menjadi Black Eyed Buah, dan kemudian Black Eyed Peas . Dante Santiago was replaced with Jaime Gomez ( Taboo ), Kim Hill became a steady background singer. Dante Santiago diganti dengan Jaime Gomez ( Taboo ), Kim Hill menjadi penyanyi latar belakang stabil. Unlike many hip-hop acts, they chose to perform with a live band and adopted a musical and clothing style that differed wildly from the " Gangsta Rap " sounds of other Los Angeles-based hip-hop acts at the time. Tidak seperti tindakan hip-hop banyak, mereka memilih untuk melakukan dengan live band dan mengadopsi musik dan gaya pakaian yang berbeda dari liar " Gangsta Rap "suara lain yang berbasis Los Angeles- hip-hop bertindak pada saat itu. Through the mid-'90s, they performed in the local club circuit alongside fellow acts as Ozomatli and Jurassic 5 . Melalui pertengahan tahun 90-an, mereka tampil di sirkuit bersama klub lokal sesama bertindak sebagai Ozomatli dan Jurassic 5 . After being signed to Interscope Records and releasing their debut, Behind the Front (1998) the group (and their accompanying live band) earned critical acclaim. Setelah menandatangani kontrak dengan Interscope Records dan merilis debut mereka, Dibalik Front (1998) kelompok (dan band yang menyertai hidup mereka) yang diperoleh pujian kritis. The hit single from the album was Joints & Jam , and featured on the Bulworth soundtrack. Hit single dari album ini Sendi & Jam , dan fitur pada Bulworth soundtrack. Their second album was Bridging the Gap (2000), which had the hit Request + Line featuring Macy Gray . Album kedua mereka Bridging Gap (2000), yang memiliki hit Permintaan + Line menampilkan Macy Gray .

2001–04: Elephunk

The Black Eyed Peas signing autographs before a concert at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania . The Black Eyed Peas menandatangani tanda tangan sebelum konser di East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania .
Their third album, Elephunk , began development on November 2, 2001 but was released in 2003. album ketiga mereka, Elephunk , mulai pembangunan pada tanggal 2 November 2001, tetapi dirilis pada tahun 2003. It was the group's first album to feature the vocals of Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson . Ini adalah album pertama kelompok untuk fitur vokal dari Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson . Originally, Nicole Scherzinger (lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls ) was approached to join the Peas. Awalnya, Nicole Scherzinger (penyanyi utama dari Pussycat Dolls ) didekati untuk bergabung dengan Peas. She was forced to decline because she was a member of Eden's Crush and was under contract. Dia terpaksa turun karena dia adalah anggota Eden's Crush dan berada di bawah kontrak. Dante Santiago then introduced Will to Fergie, who joined the band in 2002. Dante Santiago kemudian diperkenalkan Will Fergie, yang bergabung dengan band pada tahun 2002. In a positive review of the Black Eyed Peas' style, Rolling Stone noted that since 2003, when the group "hired a blond bombshell named Stacy 'Fergie' Ferguson and gave up their pursuit of backpack-rapper cred, they have made a kind of spiritual practice of recording futuristic songs — a total aesthetic commitment that extends from their garish wardrobes to their United Colors of Benetton worldview." [ 2 ] Dalam review positif dari Black Eyed Peas 'gaya, Rolling Stone mencatat bahwa sejak tahun 2003, ketika kelompok "dipekerjakan membuat kejutan pirang bernama Fergie 'Stacy' Ferguson dan menyerah mengejar mereka ransel-rapper kredibilitas, mereka telah membuat semacam praktek spiritual merekam lagu futuristik - komitmen total estetika yang membentang dari pakaian norak mereka untuk mereka Warna Serikat Benetton pandangan dunia. " [2]
Meanwhile, Fergie herself recalled her reasons for joining the group to noted UK urban writer Pete Lewis of Blues & Soul : "I first went to see The Black Eyed Peas in 1998 at a place called the El Rey Theatre in LA. Because they were hip hop-yet-abstract and their style was eclectic and theatrical, there was something about them I knew I could gel with. So years later, when my group Wild Orchid and The Peas happened to be on a radio show at the same time, I went up to, got on my hustle, and told him I'd been wanting to work with him for ever! We exchanged numbers, and it was when they needed a singer for their song 'Shut Up!' Sementara itu, Fergie sendiri mengingat alasan dia untuk bergabung dengan kelompok untuk mencatat perkotaan penulis Inggris Pete Lewis dari Blues & Soul : "Aku pertama pergi menemui The Black Eyed Peas pada tahun 1998 di sebuah tempat bernama El Rey Theatre di LA. Karena mereka hip hop-belum-abstrak dan gaya mereka yang unik dan teater, ada sesuatu tentang mereka aku tahu aku bisa gel dengan Jadi tahun kemudian,. ketika kelompok saya Wild Orchid dan The Peas kebetulan pada acara radio pada saat yang sama, saya pergi ke, naik hiruk saya, dan berkata bahwa aku sudah lama ingin bekerja sama dengan dia selama-lamanya! Kami saling bertukar nomor, dan itu adalah ketika mereka dibutuhkan seorang penyanyi untuk lagu mereka 'Shut Up! " that we actually started working together." [ 3 ] bahwa kita benar-benar mulai bekerja sama ". [3]
From Elephunk came " Where is the Love? ", which became Black Eyed Peas' first major hit, peaking at #8 on the US Hot 100 , but topping the charts in several other countries, including six weeks at #1 in the UK, where it became the biggest-selling single of 2003. Dari Elephunk datang " Dimana Cinta? ", yang menjadi 'besar pertama memukul Black Eyed Peas, memuncak pada # 8 di US Hot 100 , tetapi topping tangga lagu di beberapa negara lain, termasuk enam minggu di # 1 di Inggris, di mana ia menjadi tunggal paling laris tahun 2003. The single had similar results in Australia, staying at #1 for six weeks also. Single ini memiliki hasil yang sama di Australia, tinggal di # 1 untuk enam minggu juga. In an interview with, Taboo shared that Justin Timberlake 's split with Britney Spears impacted the recording of " Where Is The Love? ". [ 4 ] Dalam wawancara dengan, Taboo bersama yang Justin Timberlake split 's dengan Britney Spears berdampak pada pencatatan " Dimana Is The Love? ". [4]
The album subsequently spawned " Shut Up ", which peaked at #2 in the UK and topped the charts in many success and went Gold and Platinum in the US, UK, Germany, and other European markets. kemudian menelurkan Album " Shut Up ", yang menempati posisi # 2 di Inggris dan menduduki puncak tangga lagu di banyak keberhasilan dan pergi Gold dan Platinum di Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Jerman, dan pasar Eropa lainnya.
The third single from the album, although significantly restyled from the original Elephunk version, " Hey Mama " hit the top 5 in Australia and the top 10 in the UK, Germany and other European countries and reached #23 in the US The song received even more exposure in 2003 when it was featured in the first "silhouette" television commercial for the iPod . Singel ketiga dari album, walaupun secara signifikan dibenahi dari versi asli Elephunk " Hei Mama "hit top 5 di Australia dan 10 besar di Inggris, Jerman dan negara-negara Eropa lainnya dan mencapai # 23 di AS menerima bahkan lagu eksposur lebih pada tahun 2003 ketika ditampilkan dalam siluet "pertama" televisi komersial untuk iPod .
In 2004, The Black Eyed Peas embarked on the Elephunk Tour , hitting many countries in Europe and Asia. Pada tahun 2004, The Black Eyed Peas memulai pada Elephunk Tour, memukul banyak negara di Eropa dan Asia.

2004-07: Monkey Business

The Black Eyed Peas performing on August 24, 2006 The Black Eyed Peas tampil di 24 Agustus 2006
Their next album, Monkey Business , was recorded through 2004 and was released on June 7, 2005. album berikutnya mereka, Monkey Business , dicatat hingga tahun 2004 dan dirilis pada tanggal 7 Juni 2005. Much of the pre-production writing was performed on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus while on Black Eyed Peas/ N*E*R*D tour of 2004. Sebagian besar tulisan pra-produksi dilakukan di John Lennon Pendidikan Tour Bus saat Black Eyed Peas / N * E * R * D tur tahun 2004. The album's first single, " Don't Phunk with My Heart ", was a hit in the US, reaching number three on the US Hot 100. Album single pertama, " Jangan Phunk dengan Hati ", adalah hit di Amerika Serikat, mencapai nomor tiga di US Hot 100. The spot the song reached was the highest peak yet of their career in the US (this was later broken when " Boom Boom Pow " peaked at the top spot of the Billboard Hot 100 ) and earned them another Grammy for Best Rap Performance by a Duo or Group . Tempat lagu itu mencapai puncak tertinggi namun karir mereka di Amerika Serikat (ini kemudian rusak ketika " Boom Boom Pow "mencapai puncaknya di titik puncak Billboard Hot 100 ) dan menerima mereka lain Grammy untuk Best Rap Performance oleh Duo atau Grup . The song reached three in the UK, and five in Canada, and stayed at number one for three weeks in Australia. Lagu ini mencapai tiga di Inggris, dan lima di Kanada, dan tinggal di nomor satu selama tiga minggu di Australia. Some radio stations, concerned about complaints of obscenity, played an alternative version, "Don't Mess with My Heart". Beberapa stasiun radio, prihatin tentang keluhan dari norma kesusilaan, memainkan versi alternatif, "Don't Mess dengan" My Heart. " Don't Lie ", the second single from the album, saw success on the US Hot 100 , reaching #14, although becoming somewhat more successful in the UK and Australia, reaching a peak of #6 in both countries. " Don't Lie "single kedua dari album, melihat keberhasilan di US Hot 100 , mencapai # 14, walaupun menjadi agak lebih sukses di Inggris dan Australia, mencapai puncak # 6 di kedua negara. " My Humps ", another song from the album, immediately achieved commercial success in the US and fairly substantial radio play despite the sexually suggestive lyrics, reaching number three on the US Hot 100 and number one in Australia, making it their fourth Australian number one single. " Saya soliton ", lagu lain dari album, segera mencapai sukses komersial di Amerika Serikat dan bermain cukup besar meskipun radio lirik bernada seksual, jumlah mencapai tiga di US Hot 100 dan nomor satu di Australia, sehingga jumlah mereka yang keempat Australia tunggal. However, many mocked the song for its poor lyrical content; John Bush, writing for Allmusic , described it as "one of the most embarrassing rap performances of the new millennium". [ 5 ] Despite this, the album Monkey Business debuted at number two on the US Billboard 200 albums chart, selling over 295,000 copies in its first week and was later certified triple platinum by the RIAA . Namun, banyak mengejek lagu untuk konten miskin lirik nya; John Bush, menulis untuk Allmusic , menggambarkannya sebagai "salah satu pertunjukan rap memalukan sebagian besar milenium baru". [5] Meskipun demikian, album Monkey Business debutnya di nomor dua di US Billboard 200 , chart penjualan album lebih dari 295.000 keping dalam minggu pertama dan kemudian bersertifikat triple platinum oleh RIAA . Their next and last commercially-released single from the album was " Pump It ", which borrows much of its sound from " Misirlou ", specifically Dick Dale 's version, it peaked at number 8 in Australia. Berikutnya dan yang terakhir mereka merilis single komersial dari album ini adalah " Pompa itu , "yang meminjam banyak bunyinya dari" Misirlou ", khusus Dick Dale versi s ', itu memuncak di nomor 8 dalam Australia.
As well as being a hip-hop album, Monkey Business features some acoustic guitar playing from Jack Johnson in the single "Gone Going". Selain menjadi album hip-hop, Monkey Business memiliki beberapa gitar akustik bermain dari Jack Johnson di tunggal "Gone Going".
In September 2005, Black Eyed Peas released an iTunes Originals playlist of their greatest hits, as well as some that were re-recorded especially for purchase through iTunes. Pada bulan September 2005, Black Eyed Peas merilis iTunes Originals playlist hits terbesar mereka, serta satu yang direkam ulang terutama untuk pembelian melalui iTunes. The playlist includes popular songs such as " Don't Lie ", " Shut Up ", and a new version of " Where Is the Love? " playlist tersebut termasuk lagu populer seperti " Don't Lie "," Shut Up ", dan versi baru dari" mana Apakah Cinta? " It has small stories containing info and commentary about the songs and how the group first met. Hal ini cerita kecil berisi info dan komentar tentang lagu dan bagaimana kelompok pertama kali bertemu.
On November 27, 2005, Black Eyed Peas performed at the half-time show at the Canadian Football League 's 93rd Grey Cup in Vancouver , British Columbia. Pada tanggal 27 November 2005, Black Eyed Peas dilakukan pada waktu menunjukkan setengah di Canada Football Liga 's Grey 93 Piala di Vancouver , British Columbia.
In autumn 2005, The Black Eyed Peas set off to tour with Gwen Stefani, as supporting act. Pada musim gugur 2005, Black Eyed Peas berangkat untuk tur dengan Gwen Stefani, sebagai pendukung bertindak. In December 2005, they embarked on the "European Tour", which toured multiple countries in Europe. Pada bulan Desember 2005, mereka memulai dengan "Eropa Tour", yang melakukan tur beberapa negara di Eropa.
The European leg which opened in Tel Aviv , Israel, continued to Ireland, the UK, Italy and Germany. Eropa kaki yang dibuka pada Tel Aviv , Israel, terus Irlandia, Inggris, Italia dan Jerman. After heading to Europe and Asia, they toured the US again, and South America. Setelah pos ke Eropa dan Asia, mereka tur AS lagi, dan Amerika Selatan. Black Eyed Peas have starred in a series of web shorts for Snickers called Instant Def, appearing as a group of hip-hop superheroes. Black Eyed Peas telah membintangi serangkaian celana pendek web untuk Snickers disebut Instan Def, muncul sebagai kelompok hip-hop pahlawan super.
On December 31, 2006, Black Eyed Peas performed at the last stop on the Monkey Business tour, at Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil for more than 1 million people, being their biggest concert ever. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2006, Black Eyed Peas dilakukan pada perhentian terakhir di tur Monkey Business, di Ipanema Beach di Rio de Janeiro , Brazil untuk lebih dari 1 juta orang, yang terbesar yang pernah konser mereka. Black Eyed Peas performed at the UK leg of Live Earth on July 7, 2007 at Wembley Stadium , London. performed a new song, "Help Us Out", at the event, which is now on his album, Songs About Girls , as "SOS (Mother Nature)". Black Eyed Peas tampil di leg Inggris dari Live Earth pada tanggal 7 Juli 2007 di Stadion Wembley , London. dilakukan lagu baru, "Help Us Out", pada acara, yang sekarang albumnya, Songs Tentang Girls , sebagai "SOS (Ibu Alam)".
Their headlined the main Ocean Stage at the Summer Sonic Festival in Tokyo, Japan on August 11, and Osaka, Japan on August 12, 2007. Mereka berjudul Samudera Tahap utama di Summer Sonic Festival di Tokyo, Jepang pada tanggal 11 Agustus, dan Osaka, Jepang pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2007. The act consisted of the band performing their hits, as well as Fergie singing solo tracks from The Dutchess . Tindakan itu terdiri dari band yang melakukan hits mereka, serta menyanyikan lagu solo Fergie dari The Dutchess. sang songs from his upcoming album. menyanyikan lagu dari album mendatang. On December 10, 2005, the Peas cover of the John Lennon classic " Power to the People ", which was mostly recorded on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, was released by Amnesty International as part of the Make Some Noise campaign to celebrate human rights. Pada tanggal 10 Desember 2005, Peas sampul John Lennon "klasik Power untuk Rakyat ", yang sebagian besar dicatat di John Lennon Pendidikan Tour Bus, dirilis oleh Amnesti Internasional sebagai bagian dari Kebisingan Beberapa Membuat kampanye untuk merayakan hak asasi manusia . The song was later released on the 2007 John Lennon tribute album, Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur . Lagu ini kemudian dirilis pada album John Lennon upeti 2007, Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign untuk Simpan Darfur . The same day, Black Eyed Peas performed their version live on the UK television program The Record of the Year together with John Legend and Mary J. Blige . Hari yang sama, dilakukan Black Eyed Peas versi mereka tinggal di program televisi Inggris The Record of the Year bersama-sama dengan John Legend , dan Mary J. Blige .
On March 21, 2006, Black Eyed Peas released a remix album, entitled Renegotiations: The Remixes to iTunes . Pada tanggal 21 Maret 2006, Black Eyed Peas merilis remix album, berjudul renegosiasi: The Remixes untuk iTunes . It features remixed versions of "Ba Bump", "My Style", "Feel It", "Disco Club", "They Don't Want Music", "Audio Delite at Low Fidelity", and the standard version and video of " Like That ". Ini fitur versi remix lagu "" Ba Bump, "" Gaya saya, "Feel It", "Disco Club": "Mereka Tidak Ingin Musik", "Audio Delite di Rendah Fidelity", dan versi standar dan video " Seperti itu ". The following week, it was released on CD without the music video . Minggu berikutnya, itu dirilis pada CD tanpa video musik . Participants on the EP included DJ Premier , Pete Rock , Erick Sermon , DJ Jazzy Jeff , and Large Professor . Peserta pada EP termasuk DJ Premier , Pete Rock , Erick Khotbah , DJ Jazzy Jeff , dan Profesor Besar .
Already having produced the bulk of the Peas' albums, has begun his solo career in earnest by producing and collaborating with a variety of musicians, most notably Michael Jackson and also including U2 , Sergio Mendes , Carlos Santana , Too Short , Kelis , Cheryl Cole , SMAP , John Legend , RBD , Nelly Furtado , Justin Timberlake , Nas and Bone Thugs and Harmony . Sudah memiliki sebagian besar dihasilkan Kacang 'album tersebut, telah memulai karir solonya dengan sungguh-sungguh dengan memproduksi dan berkolaborasi dengan berbagai musisi, terutama Michael Jackson dan juga termasuk U2 , Sergio Mendes , Carlos Santana , Terlalu Pendek , Kelis , Cheryl Cole , SMAP , John Legend , RBD , Nelly Furtado , Justin Timberlake , Nas dan Preman Bone dan Harmony .
In March 2006, Black Eyed Peas hit the road again as the featured headliner for the 6th Annual Honda Civic Tour with supporting bands Flipsyde and The Pussycat Dolls . Pada bulan Maret 2006, Black Eyed Peas berangkat lagi sebagai fitur utamanya untuk 6 Tahunan Honda Civic Tour dengan mendukung band Flipsyde dan The Pussycat Dolls . They again brought the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus on the tour with them to craft new songs for Fergie 's solo debut album. Mereka lagi membawa John Lennon Bus Wisata Pendidikan pada tur dengan mereka untuk menyusun lagu baru untuk Fergie 's debut album solo. In 2006, they went on tour with The Pussycat Dolls . [ 6 ] [ 7 ] Pada tahun 2006, mereka pergi tur dengan The Pussycat Dolls . [6] [7]
On May 11, 2006, Black Eyed Peas performed at San Fernando High School at the football field. Pada tanggal 11 Mei 2006, Black Eyed Peas dilakukan di San Fernando High School di lapangan sepak bola.
In 2007, Black Eyed Peas embarked on the Black Blue & You World Tour , visiting more than 20 countries, including Macau, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Hungary, South Africa, South Korea, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Australia, Nigeria, Mexico, Thailand, Venezuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Argentina, Philippines, El Salvador and Brazil. Pada tahun 2007, Black Eyed Peas memulai pada Black Blue & You World Tour , mengunjungi lebih dari 20 negara, termasuk Macau, Swedia, Polandia, Rumania, Hungaria, Afrika Selatan, Korea Selatan, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Singapura, Cina , Rusia, Kazakhstan, Australia Nigeria, Meksiko, Thailand, Venezuela, Guatemala, Nikaragua, Kosta Rika, Argentina Filipina, El Salvador dan Brazil. This tour was presented by Pepsi , in conjunction with the new 'Pepsi More' advertising campaign, featuring Black Eyed Peas. Wisata ini dipresentasikan oleh Pepsi , dalam hubungannya dengan yang baru 'Pepsi More' kampanye periklanan, menampilkan Black Eyed Peas. In fact, their track "One Tribe" was a promotional single made just for the new Pepsi spot. Bahkan, lagu mereka "Satu Suku" adalah promosi tunggal dibuat hanya untuk tempat Pepsi baru.

2009–present: The END , The END World Tour. 2009-sekarang: END, The END World Tour.

The Black Eyed Peas performing on October 7, 2009 The Black Eyed Peas tampil di 7 Oktober 2009
The group's fifth studio album, The END ("The E nergy N ever D ies"), was released on June 9, 2009. kelima studio Kelompok Album, END The ("The nergy E N pernah D ies"), dirilis pada tanggal 9 Juni 2009. The first single " Boom Boom Pow " was sent to US radio on March 10, 2009 and was released on March 30, 2009 on iTunes . Single pertama " Boom Boom Pow "dikirim ke radio Amerika pada tanggal 10 Maret 2009 dan dirilis pada tanggal 30 Maret 2009 pada iTunes . The single sold 465,000 downloads in its first week of digital release, the third-largest number of download sales in a single week overall, and the largest single-week and debut-download totals by a group in the history of digital-download sales tracking, reaching No. 1 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and Pop 100. Single ini terjual 465.000 download dalam minggu pertama peluncurannya digital, jumlah ketiga terbesar dari penjualan download dalam satu minggu secara keseluruhan, dan terbesar minggu dan debut-download total oleh sebuah kelompok dalam sejarah penjualan digital-download pelacakan , mencapai No 1 di US Billboard Hot 100 dan Pop 100. It became the group's first US No. 1, holding the spot for twelve consecutive weeks. Ini menjadi pertama kelompok US No 1, memegang tempat tersebut selama dua belas minggu berturut-turut. It also reached number 1 in Australia, Canada, and the UK. Hal ini juga mencapai nomor 1 di Australia, Kanada, dan Inggris. The album has a more electro-hop beat rather than the usual hip hop/R&B feeling of their previous albums. Album ini memiliki lebih elektro-hop mengalahkan daripada biasa hip hop / R & B rasa album mereka sebelumnya. Three promotional singles, " Imma Be ", "Alive", and " Meet Me Halfway ", were released through the iTunes Store in the three weeks running up to the album's release. Tiga single promosi, " Jadilah Imma "," Alive ", dan" Meet Me Halfway ", yang dirilis melalui iTunes Store dalam tiga minggu berjalan sampai ke album ini rilis. In its first week, the album sold 304,000 copies and debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200 . Dalam minggu pertama, album ini terjual 304.000 eksemplar dan langsung mencapai nomor 1 di Billboard 200 . In the United States, the album became the ninth album to top the one million mark in sales in 2009. Di Amerika Serikat, album ini menjadi album kesembilan ke atas angka satu juta dalam penjualan di tahun 2009. The album has spent 38 weeks within the top 10 of the Billboard 200. The END was the 7th best-selling album of 2009 in the US . Album ini telah menghabiskan 38 minggu dalam 10 puncak Billboard 200. END ini adalah album terlaris 7 tahun 2009 di Amerika Serikat . It also debuted at number one in Australia, number two in New Zealand and three in the United Kingdom. Hal ini juga debutnya di nomor satu di Australia, nomor dua di Selandia Baru dan tiga di Britania Raya.
After the release of The END , the Black Eyed Peas released " I Gotta Feeling " as the official second single from the album. Setelah merilis END itu, Black Eyed Peas dirilis " Aku Harus Merasa "sebagai resmi single kedua dari album. It was produced by David Guetta . Ini dihasilkan oleh David Guetta . "I Gotta Feeling" climbed to number one on the US iTunes chart replacing "Boom Boom Pow" which dropped to number two. "Aku Harus Merasa" naik ke nomor satu di chart US iTunes menggantikan "Boom Boom Pow" yang turun ke nomor dua. The single charted at number three and then went to number one on the UK Singles Chart. Single memetakan di nomor tiga dan kemudian pergi ke nomor satu di UK Singles Chart. It debuted at number 2 on the Hot 100 behind "Boom Boom Pow" and later surpassed it, taking the number 1 spot. [ 8 ] The Black Eyed Peas joined a very elite group of artists who have held the No.1 and 2 Spot on the Hot 100 simultaneously. Ini debut di nomor 2 pada Hot 100 di belakang "Boom Boom Pow" dan kemudian melampaui itu, mengambil nomor 1 spot. [8] The Black Eyed Peas bergabung dengan kelompok elit yang sangat seniman yang telah memegang No.1 dan 2 Spot di Hot 100 secara bersamaan. From 18 April 2009, when "Boom Boom Pow" reached No. 1, through 10 October 2009, the last week "I Gotta Feeling" was at No. 1, the group was on top of the chart for 26 weeks, more consecutive weeks than any other artist. [ 9 ] Dari 18 April 2009, ketika "Boom Boom Pow" mencapai No 1, sampai 10 Oktober 2009, minggu lalu "Aku Harus Merasa" berada di No 1, kelompok itu di atas grafik selama 26 minggu, minggu lebih berturut-turut daripada artis lain. [9]
On Wednesday, June 17, 2009 the Black Eyed Peas performed on the pre-recorded show Alan Carr: Chatty Man . Pada Rabu, 17 Jun 2009 Black Eyed Peas dilakukan pada pra-direkam menunjukkan Alan Carr: Man Bawel . The band was interviewed and performed their single "I Gotta Feeling". [ 10 ] On July 8, 2009, they made an appearance at the Isle of MTV in Malta . [ 11 ] band ini diwawancarai dan dilakukan single "Aku Harus Merasa". [10] Tanggal 8 Juli 2009, mereka membuat penampilan mereka di Isle of MTV di Malta . [11]
On July 30, Billboard announced that the Black Eyed Peas set a record for the longest successive No. 1 chart run by a duo or group in the Billboard Hot 100's history. Pada tanggal 30 Juli Billboard mengumumkan bahwa Black Eyed Peas memecahkan rekor untuk bagan 1 No berturut-turut terpanjang dijalankan oleh duo atau kelompok dalam Billboard Hot 100 sejarah. "I Gotta Feeling" hit its fifth consecutive week at No. 1, following 12 weeks at the top by the Peas' "Boom Boom Pow". Boyz II Men reigned on the chart for two 16-week runs in the mid-'90s. [ 12 ] "Aku Harus Merasa" hit minggu kelima berturut-turut di Nomor 1, berikut 12 minggu di bagian atas oleh Peas '"Boom Pow" Boom. Boyz II Men memerintah pada grafik selama dua minggu berjalan 16 di pertengahan tahun 90-an . [12]
Following its release, remarked that the album had been inspired by a trip to Australia, specifically the sound of The Presets ' " My People ". Setelah dirilis, mengatakan bahwa album itu terinspirasi oleh perjalanan ke Australia, khususnya suara The Gergaji '" Orang-Ku ". "The energy on the Presets' small little stage was crazy energy. That song My People - that shit is wild," said, "That's the reason why this record sounds the way it does - my three months in Australia." [ 13 ] "Energi di panggung kecil kecil yang Gergaji 'adalah energi gila. Lagu itu saya Orang - omong kosong adalah liar," berkata, "Itulah alasan mengapa rekaman ini terdengar jalan tersebut - tiga bulan di Australia saya ". [13]
On September 8, 2009, the group performed live for Oprah Winfrey's 24th Season Kickoff Party, on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Pada tanggal 8 September 2009, kelompok dilakukan hidup untuk 24 Season Oprah Winfrey Kickoff Partai, di Michigan Avenue di Chicago. An estimated 21,000 dancers in the streets performed a flash mob to the live performance of "I Gotta Feeling". [ 14 ] In September 2009, the group embarked on The END World Tour , with dates announced in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. Sebuah diperkirakan 21.000 penari di jalan-jalan melakukan massa flash dengan kinerja hidup dari "Aku Harus Merasa". [14] Pada September 2009, kelompok ini memulai World Tour The AKHIR , dengan tanggal diumumkan di Jepang, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia dan Selandia Baru. The tour is expected to last well into 2010. Tur ini diharapkan terakhir hingga tahun 2010.
"Meet Me Halfway" was released as the third single from the album in September 2009. "Meet Me Halfway" dirilis sebagai single ketiga dari album pada bulan September 2009. The single reached number one in the UK and Australia, making it their third chart topper from The END in both countries. Tunggal mencapai nomor satu di Inggris dan Australia, membuat bagan mereka ketiga puncak dari The AKHIR di kedua negara. It also peaked at seven on the US Billboard Hot 100, making it the groups third top-10 single from The END Hal ini juga mencapai puncaknya pada tujuh di US Billboard Hot 100, sehingga kelompok ketiga top-10 tunggal dari AKHIR The
The group performed at the American Music Awards with the songs "Meet Me Halfway" and "Boom Boom Pow". Grup yang tampil di American Music Awards dengan lagu "Meet Me Halfway" dan "Boom Boom Pow". They also won 2 out of 3 categories in which they were nominated; Favorite Rock/Pop Group & Favorite R&B/Soul Group. Mereka juga memenangkan 2 dari 3 kategori di mana mereka dinominasikan; Favorite Rock / Pop Group & Favorite R & B / Soul Group. They lost their last category, Best R&B/Soul Album ( The END ), to Michael Jackson . Mereka kehilangan kategori terakhir mereka, Best R & B / Soul Album (AKHIR The), untuk Michael Jackson .
The Black Eyed Peas started 2010 performing " Rock That Body ", "Imma Be", "Boom Boom Pow" and other hits from The END in a New Year's Eve party and caused an increase in downloads of those songs. The Black Eyed Peas mulai 2010 melakukan " Rock itu Body "," Imma Jadilah "," Boom Boom Pow "dan hits lainnya dari The AKHIR di Tahun Baru Eve pesta dan menyebabkan peningkatan download dari lagu-lagu.
"Imma Be" was released as the fourth single in the US on December 15, 2009, reaching number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for two weeks, becoming the group's 3rd number one single on that chart. "Imma Jadilah" dirilis sebagai single keempat di Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 15 Desember 2009, mencapai nomor 1 di Billboard Hot 100 selama dua minggu, menjadi yang nomor 3 kelompok satu pun pada tabel tersebut. Heavy airplay in Canada caused "Imma Be" to reach number 5 on the Canadian Hot 100 , their 4th consecutive top 5 hit from the album. Berat diputar di Kanada disebabkan "Imma Jadilah" untuk mencapai nomor 5 di Kanada Hot 100 , top 5 berturut-turut 4 hit mereka dari album. "Rock That Body" was then released as the fifth single, and has so far reached number 9 on the Billboard Hot 100. "Rock Tubuh Itu" kemudian dirilis sebagai kelima tunggal, dan sejauh ini mencapai nomor 9 di Billboard Hot 100.
They group performed at the Grammys on January 31, 2010. Mereka kelompok dilakukan pada Grammy pada tanggal 31 Januari 2010. They performed a mash-up of "Imma Be"/"I Gotta Feeling". Mereka melakukan mash-up "Imma Be" / "Aku Harus Merasa". In the same night, they won 3 out of the 6 awards they were nominated for including Best Pop Vocal Album for The END , Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Group for "I Gotta Feeling" and Best Short Form Video for "Boom Boom Pow". Pada malam yang sama, mereka memenangkan 3 dari 6 penghargaan mereka nominasi termasuk Best Pop Vocal Album untuk AKHIR ini, Penampilan Vokal Pop Terbaik oleh Grup untuk "Aku Harus Merasa" dan Formulir Video Pendek Terbaik untuk "Boom Boom Pow" .
On June 6, the band confirmed that they are working on a new album in an interview for The Big Issue, a sequel to The END They are also working on a 3D film directed by James Cameron . Pada tanggal 6 Juni, band ini mengkonfirmasikan bahwa mereka sedang mengerjakan album baru dalam sebuah wawancara untuk The Big Issue, sekuel The AKHIR Mereka juga bekerja di sebuah film 3D yang disutradarai oleh James Cameron . The film will be a tour documentary with fiction inserted into it. [ 15 ] Film ini akan menjadi tur dokumenter dengan fiksi dimasukkan ke dalamnya. [15]
On June 10, 2010 The Black Eyed Peas performed "Where is the Love?", "Pump It", "Meet me Halfway", "Boom Boom Pow", and "I Gotta Feeling" at the 2010 FIFA World Cup Kick-Off Celebration concert in South Africa.They also performed at T in the Park 2010 on the NME Stage on the Friday 9th July and Oxegen in Kildare, Ireland on Saturday 10th July on the Vodafone stage. Pada tanggal 10 Juni 2010 Black Eyed Peas dilakukan "Dimanakah Cinta", "Pump It", "Temui aku Halfway", "Boom Boom Pow", dan "Saya Harus Merasa" di Piala Dunia 2010 FIFA Kick-Off? Perayaan konser Africa.They Selatan juga tampil di T di Taman 2010 pada Tahap NME pada hari Jumat 9 Juli dan Oxegen di Kildare, Irlandia pada Sabtu 10 Juli di panggung Vodafone.

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